Star wars rebels fanfiction kanan holds ezra. "Why?" Kanan asked for at least the 7th time. Star wars rebels fanfiction kanan holds ezra

 "Why?" Kanan asked for at least the 7th timeStar wars rebels fanfiction kanan holds ezra He couldn't wrap his mind around it

At this time, his potential with the Force was noticed by another Jedi Master, Depa Billaba,. Ezra was covered with cuts, wounds and scars. That Kanan's words about Ezra being an accident was true. Ezra cried silently as he fell. Completed. The stranger wore a long brown robe with the hood up, leather fit boots, and wooden mask covering their whole face. The twilek captain's anger only being matched once by Kanan when they were in their younger days. "C'mon kid, it's late. With Sabine and Zeb seemingly not knowing what was going on, Kanan quickly entered Ghost, deflecting any bolts that came his way, determined not to let anything befall upon. Some things nobody forget By: Natsu223. Ezra didn't say anything, but t was getting harder to keep his mouth shut. Jedi Culture & Tradition (Star Wars) Ezra Bridger Needs a Hug. Kanan Jarrus stood in the shadows of the Ghost like a sentinel. Several months later, Dawn Jarrus is born, and everyone one is happy. Rated: Fiction T - English - Family/Hurt/Comfort - Kanan J. With the alarms sounding, the Rebels had to make a mad dash through flames and Stormtroopers swarming like fire ants, blasting away at them. The two walked towards the bar calmly. A twist, a clasp of warm lips, a headrush of fantasies he had forgotten since he was fifteen. Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure/Hurt/Comfort - Kanan J. His heart, Hera. Hmm, he thought with a frown. Summary: What if, Star Wars Rebels turn out a bit differently. "These things look pretty old," Ezra said as Sabine set another bomb on the pipe. Kanan returned and handed Ezra his favorite "toy" (Kanan winced at his inability to get Ezra even the simplest of toys). Fiction T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Angst - Kanan J. He didn't know what to do. The three held their breaths but the two didn't stir again. Zeb and Chopper met them at the landing site near the rebel base. But you're going to be alright. Kanan soon earns the boy's trust and they become fast friends. Cartoons Star Wars Rebels. "Chapter 4: Reunion. It circled up and back again, skimming deep along the ground towards the Phantom. "We have to check inside. The man studied Kanan and Ezra noticed his had glowing golden eyes. There was a small cell aboard the ship and Kanan had his hands cuffed behind his back, and was thrown into the cell. " Without the extra weight the man, Kanan, was able to overtake the kid and jump the barrier to the other lane, stopping a little. " "Nice to meet you, Sabine," Ezra replied a moment before the comm system came to life. It was unbearable to think that someone as young as Ezra (or. The familiar hiss of a saber suddenly filled the air as Ezra activated the weapon. They wouldn't want me to spend my days crying. Jump to the Future. !Contains. Fives, Echo, General Skywalker, and now, Kanan. "The few I can think of weren't exactly willingly. Kanan and Ezra's relationship was of Master and Padawan and eventually, resembled a father-son/older brother-younger brother relationship. Kanan swings his lightsaber down again, and Ezra lunges to the side, accidentally dropping his lightsaber in the process. , Inquisitor - Complete. She was as happy as me, if not more. "Leave me alone, Kanan! All of you just leave me alone!" Ezra took off back to his room, leaving the rest of the gang in the kitchen. Ezra Bridger, the last descendant of the Prodigal Knight, Revan. " "I got this. " Ezra nodded and gave me a hug. "All aboard!" he shouted. " Ezra glared at the monster holding him and spat in his face. While on a secret mission to Naboo, Ezra is swept into the river of time. Cartoons Star Wars Rebels. After he was abandoned Vader found him and took him as his Apprentice known as Starkiller. He was about to head back to his radio tower for the night. . Before they knew it Ezra was back on his feet within the week. (AU/EU) Ahsoka had survived Order 66 only to find herself hunted by a dark shadow that answers only to the Empire's highest enforcer. "Ezra!"Alongside that were countless other bruises and cuts, Ezra could only wonder what Kanan had been through and what that meant for Ahsoka who alongside Maul had yet to show. Just before the group walked down the ramp toward the Jedi masters, Ezra and Sabine looked into each other's eyes, which felt like an eternity, then clasped hands and walked down the ramp with the others. He was currently staying in a cave after leaving the Ghost. Apr 5Chapter 1. Ezra looked surprised as he glanced at Hera, who simply smiled at him, "Don't worry about Chopper, he'll warm up to you, eventually," then she pointed in the directions of the cabins, "Kanan's in his room. You were pretty slow to get up. Ezra Bridger/Kanan Jarrus; Ezra Bridger; Kanan Jarrus; Hera Syndulla; Sabine Wren; Garazeb "Zeb" Orrelios; Alexsandr Kallus; Darth Maul; Seventh Sister (Star Wars) C1. And those who were drinking water like Cham, Kanan and Ezra immediately did a spit-take from Jacen's announcement. He felt sick. , Hera S. Instead of going to bed, I grab a drink and a snack from the kitchens, then go to the room Kanan had me deflecting. Zeb and Sabine finished the job moments later, Zeb smacking an arm into the man's chest to knock him aside and Sabine's shots putting him down between the cars. "You really are growing up aren't you, Ezra?" Hera then asked. His whole life, he'd lived on the streets where he had to beg and steal for every last little thing. "Well it's nice to meet you, Ezra. Well I hope you. Where Sabine and Ezra and Chopper were going was no place for a Jedi. " My stomach churns a bit. —. I'm Kanan as I said before. Yes, Ezra Bridger's always seemed a little small, Rex is conscious of that, but at this stage he seems closer to outright petite. Kanan poured some antiseptic on it before taking a careful hold of the Ezra's wrist with his free hand. He pulls one of them from their owner's hand with the force, examining the colorful blaster. How's your leg doing?" The boy looked up at him, "it's fine sir, just a little sore. The only part of the figure the group could tell was it was a was women because of her visible, slender hands. Ezra groaned, "Do we really need to do this today?" Ezra pulled off his helmet. "Alright laugh it up. Lothal celebrates around her whilst her own world starts to unravel one thread at a time. "Ezra, kid, come on answer your com," Kanan repeatedly called into the com. " He reached out and tightly hugged the. He had just defeated the Inquisitor, but at what cost. I can help with family stuff but if anything comes up with the dark saber I am no help without Ezra and Kanan. Sabine and Ezra climbed on, then helped the two other inmates aboard the VCX-100. Kanan shot Hera a look, gesturing to the kid and she held up her hands in defeat. Ezra had the chance to talk to Ahsoka about the old Jedi Order and her past life. " Kanan says. It is through those powerful emotions that the Dark Side will take hold over Ezra and his destiny. "And thanks for that haircut. By: LuaKitsune. He aimed his blaster at the creature, but the wolf pounced on a rock then jumped onto him, causing him to drop his weapon and fall. The night. Kanan & Ezra. The Ghost hovered a few feet off the ground. They were silent. . , Ezra B. The week went by, while the others came and went form the Med-Bay visiting Ezra, Kanan did not see him once. He felt Ezra patting his knee and opened his eyes looking down at the little. They are bringing Medical supplies to a contact who works for the rebellion. Even on the battlefield she didn't display this. Kanan felt Hera hand on his shoulder as she whispered in Ezra ear. " "It's the first time I've been here," he replied. Ezra didn't reply. He smiled when he heard Ezra laughing and closed his eyes for a little bit, then he felt a tiny hand on his knee. "I know. Hera loved to go walking around in the shopping centers. Ezra stuttered, and everyone lost it. " Sabine continues to laugh. He just hoped Ezra was pulling through okay, because, after all, they did watch Kanan sacrifice himself. Ezra looked at them all, and glared. "I did too. , Inquisitor - Chapters: 10 - Words: 23,342 - Reviews:. They had just recently freed Kanan from the clutches of the Empire and. "Finally my date with Brie I got to get ready" Ezra said out load obviously excited "hold on a second mister" Hera told him "but I have a date" Ezra exclaimed "I know, I know I just want to talk to you" she went on "fine" Ezra said a bit annoyed "don't go giving me any sass mister, you. A mistake in a mission is made and everybody blames Ezra but no one knows how it will end after they discover the truth! Rated: Fiction T - English - Hurt/Comfort - Ezra B. The man quickly bandaged Ezra's arm in gauze, then took hold of his shoulder, turning to look at the others. Ezra closed his mouth. The last bucket head rushes past Ezra's hiding place, leaving the ten year old in peace. "Kanan doesn't blame you, Ezra. "But Kanan," Ezra asked incredulously, "how can you be so calm knowing the Inquisitors are still out there?. He opened it and read the message that was in clearly Ezra's handwriting. I didn't have much of a choice at the time though. "Yeah she did great. Luckily, he caught himself with his hands, only gaining a few minor cuts on them. Kanan stood on the boarding ramp, hand outstretched. Fulcrum had asked them to retrieve a chip hidden in a imperial base. Kanan caught up to ezra and held him silently and whispered into his ear calmly as Ezra fell asleep. Chopper Base | Home Base on Atollon (Star Wars) Summary. It was only through pure cunning that Ezra was able to defeat the ghosts and free his friends. "Hera I need you to take over for the rest of the time she's here. "Ba. The guard grabbed Ezra's shoulder, halting his progress. Sabine looked over the Twi'lek's shoulder to coo at the baby. Kanan squeezed her hand in return in hopes of soothing the Twi'lek. '. Kanan places a hand on his chin and nods his head as he listens. The Pau'an turned to Ezra with a dark smirk. Ezra died, he had fallen off the edge and died, and Kanan wasn't able to save him. Ezra was clinging to a orange and tan Lothcat stuffed animal. Young Ezra Bridger was taken to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant to be raised as a Jedi, while Caleb Dume completed his training with Master Depa Billaba. Kanan realized Ezra deserved to know how his parents died, but he also knew it would be incredibly painful for Ezra to hear and he wanted to spare him as much pain as possible. Kanan was spending his day meditating; the Jedi doing this much more frequently to try and keep himself calm and balanced. Ezra and Kanan did their best to nullify the shock wave around the ship. It was a delicate balance they walked with the crew, between letting everyone have their independence and watching out for them for everyone's good. Eventually Kanan got tired of tickling Ezra and started running his hand through the exhausted boy's hair until he fell asleep. He struggled to loosen the ropes binding his wrists behind his back once more. Being confused is the least of the Rebel's problem when the New Jedi Order attempts to hold him prisoner. After the wedding, Ezra saw Sabine approaching the blue haired boy they didn't know, so he decided to join her. But Ezra was too high up. Ezra felt tears run down his cheeks as he saw Vader leave. The entire fuel depot caught fire and exploded a half-second later. Smiling and with a final wave Ezra pointed the A wing towards the sky and took off as quickly and quietly as possible. In the aftermath of Malachor, Kanan and Ezra get caught in the explosion and wake up in the middle of a battle, which wouldn’t be too odd if the skirmish hadn’t been between outdated droids and odd-looking stormtroopers. “Just give him some time…I’m sure he just needs to cool off…”Ezra became more focused and dedicated to his lessons. I'm not gone yet!Which is why Ezra very quietly returns the Holocron to where he found it in Kanan's room after using the Star map located within it to help him find Rex's current home planet. The daughter of Captain Rex, Laurel, becomes a rebel fourteen years after her birth, close to the foundation of the Empire. " Dear, beautiful Hera. Star Wars Rebels One-Shots by. "NO!" Kanan screamed in horror as he leapt over the edge, throwing out a hand just as Ezra managed to grab the end of the ledge. "Yes. Hera and Kanan entered the kitchen to find Ezra on the counter top getting a bowl and cup out. And I guess I actually see you as my new dad. A retelling of the Star Wars Rebel's story from the beginning but this time Ezra is a Mandalorian from clan kryze. The Lasat steered Ezra back towards the ship while Kanan, un-fazed, shot at the backup fighter. He and Zeb had almost been killed by the bucketheads in the place because of his mistake. Star Wars: Rebels (136) Star Wars - All Media Types (23) Star Wars Original Trilogy (3). By: Kavella. " Then Ezra ran down the ramp past his master and out into the field while also passing Sabine and Hera who were coming up the ramp. One-shotEzra is like a disobedient, stubborn, average teen, and Kanan is like that over-reacting, strong, and stern figure (yet humorous). Just give him a few minutes. He stops at the bottom of the ramp and pulls Darth Vader up so they are face to face. Chapter 1: Catch Me. Follow/Fav Wanted. , Ezra B. Kanan stopped shooting at Ezra as the boy groaned and deactivated his lightsaber. I don't own anything of 'Star Wars Rebels. When suddenly Kanan's arm shot up and grabbed hold of his arm. "Spirit, I am the one you want!" Ezra towers over Kanan, arms extended. Ezra continued staring at the image in front of him, his parents' smiles bearing into his mind and the sounds of their voices bringing a wave of more confusing emotions. With a tremendous amount of force the teen hit a wall, promptly knocking himself out. Caleb Dume, was born on Coruscant and spent his early life training to become a Jedi Knight under the provisional tutelage of Master Obi-Wan Kenobi during the Clone Wars. When everyone was boarded, they took off. " Kanan called on the comm. He was about to turn around when Kanan said," Come here, Ezra. - Chapters: 6 - Words: 4,334 - Reviews: 78 - Favs: 85 - Follows: 76 - Updated: 5/19/2016 - Published: 3/13/2015 - id: 11111187Dathomir was a nightmare. Language:. ' Not the names, places, characters, concept, nothing!. He sweeps his other arm out, and the stack. "I don't believe we've met before. Ezra pulled away from Hera's arms. "My god. "Kriff you," he snapped. But when Ezra, entangled in mental darkness, reaches out to Kanan, everyone pitches in to bring Ezra back to himself. He just laid there crying for the longest time. starwarsrebels; kananjarrus; ezrabridger +2 more # 7. The teen grabbed at his throat desperately, trying to breathe. If it weren't for Kanan, the grief would be absolutely unbearable. "For the record, I only look like a kid right now, Rex. Ezra holds her close, cheek against her brightly colored hair.